21. Gulaschprogrammiernacht

Andrew Morgan

Hello! My name is Andrew, though you may recognise me from my online nick, anoa.

I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Element and a member of the Spec Core Team under the Matrix.org Foundation. I'm interested in decentralisation, censorship-resistance and free software in general.

See my GitHub for my personal and professional software projects.

You can contact me on matrix at @andrewm:amorgan.xyz

Das Profilbild der Vortragenden


Folge dem weißen Kaninchen - ab in die Matrix! / Don't be late! Oh dear... follow the white rabbit into the Matrix! 🇬🇧 / 🇩🇪
M, weeman, Andrew Morgan

Was ist eigentlich dieses Matrix von dem alle reden und wie kommt man da rein?

Matrix ist eine dezentrale und sichere Kommunikationsinfrastruktur. Im Workshop zeigen wir euch, wie ihr ein Konto anlegt und die ersten Schritte in der Matrix.

What about this matrix everybody is talking about and how to get in?

Matrix is an open network for secure and decentralized communication. In this workshop we will show you how to get an account and guidy you through your first step in the matrix.

Ethics, Society & Politics
Raum 208 (HFG)
Solving the Historical State Problem in Matrix
Andrew Morgan

This talk goes into depth on why historical state is such a thorn in our side and how we may be able to finally put it to rest with the work proposed in Matrix Spec Change 3901!

Software & Infrastructure
Betreutes Frickeln: Dein erster Matrix Bot! / Coached hacking: Your first Matrix bot! 🇬🇧 / 🇩🇪
M, weeman, Andrew Morgan

Matrix ist ein offenes und dezentrales Kommunikationsnetzwerk. Also dürfen auch Bots da rein :)

Egal ob Regenwarnung am aktuellen Standort, Monitoring, Steuerung deiner Heimautomatisierung oder einfach nur ein Papagei, der alles nachplappert. Alles ist möglich. Schau vorbei und frickel deinen ersten Matrix Bot!

Matrix is an open network for decentralized communication. Open even to bots :)

Whether it's your locations rain warning, monitoring, controlling your home automation or just a parrot, babbling-repeating. Everything ist possible. Have a look and hack your first Matrix bot!

Software & Infrastructure
Raum 208 (HFG)